Treatment Of Insomnia With CBD

Guy having problems with insomnia

Article by Dr. Benny's

Recently CBD is being marketed as the cure-all magical potion for everything from inflammation to stress and even insomnia. If you are having trouble sleeping or keep tossing and turning throughout the night, you may find CBD as your new slumber aid.

It is estimated that approximately 50 to 70 million Americans belonging to all social-economic classes and ages suffer from sleep-related problems. Around 70% of American adults report that they obtain insufficient sleep at least once a month and 11% report sleep problems experienced every night.

Here's what you need to know about insomnia, CBD and how CBD can help with insomnia and sleep problems.

What Is Insomnia?

Insomnia is considered a sleep disorder in which a person experiences difficulty staying asleep or falling asleep. When these people wake up from sleep, they don't feel refreshed, which leads to different types of symptoms such as fatigue. According to American Psychiatric Association, among all sleep disorders, insomnia is the most prevalent and common. In fact, 6 -10% of all adults show severe symptoms that are diagnosed as insomnia. According to doctors a person can be diagnosed with insomnia if he is suffering from one or both of the following conditions:

  • If difficulty in sleep is creating functional problems or distress in life.
  • If a person suffers from sleep difficulties at least three times a week over a period of 3 months (minimum).

What Causes Insomnia?

The causative factor of insomnia depends upon the type of sleeplessness you are experiencing. Insomnia can be acute or short term and may be caused due to certain medications, jet lag, physical pain, changes in sleep habits or patterns, and upsetting events or stress.

On the other hand chronic insomnia may last for three months and can be divided into secondary and primary insomnia. It can be caused due to diabetes, sleep apnea, substance use, psychological issues such as depression or anxiety and medical conditions such as back pain or arthritis.

Risk Factors Of Insomnia

Insomnia can affect individuals at any age, and women are more susceptible to insomnia than men. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute people with the following risk factors are more susceptible to develop insomnia:

Woman dealing with insomnia

  • Low income
  • High levels of stress
  • Depression or any other emotional disorder
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Working at night shifts
  • Medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, and menopause

Symptoms Of Insomnia

 People suffering from insomnia report the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty taking falling asleep
  • Non-rejuvenating sleep 
  • Not having enough sleep due to waking up early in the morning

These changes also lead to fatigue, mood changes, irritability and difficulty concentrating.

Treatment Of Insomnia

Insomnia can be treated by medications or changing lifestyle. For non-pharmaceutical treatment of Insomnia sleep hygiene training is recommended. This training is involved in identifying and changing certain disruptive behaviors that lead to sleep problems. A few of the sleep hygiene training changes include avoiding exercise or caffeinated beverages before bedtime, minimizing the time spent on your bed when you are not trying to sleep, such as surfing on the phone or watching TV.

Different medications are also used to treat insomnia, such as Benadryl, Lunesta, etc.


CBD or cannabidiol is one of the most abundantly found active cannabinoids of the Cannabis Sativa plant. The Cannabis plant contains 100+ plus cannabinoids that have the ability to interact with the human body and produce medicinal non-psychoactive effects. This means that if a person consumes CBD, he would not feel euphoria or high effect. This is the reason why CBD is being considered as a very good therapeutic alternative for various medical conditions such as insomnia.

CBD, Sleep, & The Endocannabinoid System

CBD can be helpful in managing insomnia and promoting good night sleep by interacting with the endocannabinoid system.

Woman sleeping soundly after taking CBD

Endocannabinoid system of the body consists of receptors and endocannabinoids. It is very crucial in regulating certain body functions like appetite, mood, sleep and regulation of circadian rhythms.

CBD interacts with the two primary receptors, CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid 

Unlike THC, the cannabinoid associated with high effect, CBD is extremely safe and system. If we talk about how CBD affects sleep researchers show that it may interact with receptors that are involved with the sleep-wake cycle.

CBD For Sleep What The Research Says?

A Study published in Permanente Journal shows that 72 individuals suffering from poor sleep and anxiety were assessed by administering CBD in a capsule form. Those suffering from insomnia were given the capsule in the evening, while those suffering from anxiety took it in the morning. Results show that anxiety levels decreased in 79% of people and sleep problems improved in 66% of subjects after the first month.

Several other small studies also suggest that the use of CBD oil can improve sleep. Research indicates that CBD can be helpful in lowering anxiety and depression that are one of the major causes of insomnia. For instance a ten year old girl suffering from post-traumatic disorder and sleep problem was administered with 25 mg of CBD supplement at bedtime. She was also given 6 to 12 mg of CBD during the day, sublingually for anxiety. Researchers observed that there was a gradual improvement in the quantity and quality of sleep over five months.

Research also indicates that consumption of Cannabis, i.e., CBD, along with other cannabinoids can also be very effective in managing insomnia. So far, the research on the role of CBD for treating insomnia is promising but very scarce.

How To Consume CBD For Sleep-Related Problems?

CBD is now available in a variety of forms such as:

  • Edibles include gummies, cakes, capsules and cookies.
  • Sublingual's include oils and tinctures.
  • Topicals such as creams, balms, and slaves.

Since research on CBD is still developing we don't know for sure about the correct dose of CBD for sleep-related issues.

Is CBD Legal?

CBD extracted from the hemp plant with less than 0.3% THC is considered legal under Federal law. This implies that CBD obtained from marijuana is illegal and is prosecuted under the law. Although CBD and its products are considered legal under Federal law, you may experience a difference of law in different states. So, it would be wise to check your local regulations regarding CBD before starting it.


Among all sleep-related problems, insomnia seems to be very common, affecting thousands of lives globally. People looking for a natural alternative to manage insomnia can consider CBD as a very safe and effective option.